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We Love Women's Stories
Share your story with the Electorette Audience
Electorette is a place where women can share their thoughts, stories & expertise and we are looking for guests for upcoming episodes.
Would you like to be a guest? We would love to hear from you to possibly be featured on one of the following upcoming episodes:
Voter Suppression, Voter ID Laws: Have you or someone you know been turned away from voting due to suppression, not having the right ID or name being purged?
Reproductive Rights & Fake Clinics: Have you or someone you know had an experience with a "fake clinic?"
Male Redemption: Have you or anyone you know had to share a workspace with someone accused of sexual harassment or assault?
Women's Healthcare: Have you or someone you know had an experience with healthcare where they were not believed or trusted?
Women's Anger: Experience with expressing anger at work, public or academic setting and how you were treated in relation to male anger.
2016 Election: What Hillary's loss meant for you and how you reacted.
Other: We'll be doing other episodes in the future in relation to immigration, gun violence, the 2016 election and cat-calling. Select "Other" in the form below and fill in details is you'd like to participate in either of those.
If you have a personal story you'd like to share for any of these topics, please complete the form below.
If needed, we will provide free recording equipment if needed. You can also participate as an anonymous guest. Recordings can last anywhere between 5-20 minutes.
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