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What is Reproductive Justice?  Sister Song defines Reproductive Justice as the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities. Listen to our collection of episodes covering reproductive justice & reproductive rights below, along with a recommended reading & organizations to support. 

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The true meaning of reproductive justice means creating safe, violent-free communities for all children. In my conversation with Dr. Laura Briggs she breaks down exactly what reproductive justice means.

The True meaning of Reproductive Justice

Coming soon! A conversation with reproductive rights activist, Asha Dahya!

Asha Dayans

Coming Soon

Although Roe v. Wade identified abortion as a constitutional right in 1973, it still bears stigma--a proverbial scarlet A. In my conversation with author Katie Watson she expertly unpacks the gnarly politics of "ordinary abortion."

The Politics of Ordinary Abortion

Erin Matson and Pamela Merrit of Repro Action discuss their plan to fight for Reproductive Rights with bold action.

The ActivistS: ReproAction


Scarlet A, by Katie Watson,  combines storytelling and statistics to bring the story of ordinary abortion out of the shadows, painting a rich, rarely seen picture of how patients and doctors currently think and act, and ultimately inviting readers to tell their own stories and draw their own conclusions. 


To break the silence surrounding abortion, in "About Abortion..." author Carol Sanger distinguishes between abortion privacy, a form of nondisclosure based on a woman’s desire to control personal information, and abortion secrecy, a woman’s defense against the many harms of disclosure.


Reproductive Justice: An Introduction

Reproductive Justice is a first-of-its-kind primer that provides a comprehensive yet succinct description of the field. Written by two legendary scholar-activists, Loretta J. Ross and Rickie Solinger, Reproductive Justice introduces students to an intersectional analysis of race, class, and gender politics.


Handbook for a Post-Roe America

Handbook for a Post-Roe America, by activist & author Robin Marty, is a comprehensive and user-friendly manual for understanding and preparing for the looming changes to reproductive rights law, and getting the healthcare you need—by any means necessary.

Take Action!

Here's a list of our favorite organizations on the front lines of Reproductive Justice and who are fighting to Reproductive Healthcare, and bodily autonomy. Support them, share them with friends & family. 

The political opening of reproductive politics is to insist that all children matter...

~ Dr. Laura Briggs


If you regret it enough and publicly enough, that is a sort of performative mea culpa that lets you back into the pro-life fold.

~ Katie Watson

When our work is done, it's going to be so toxic to identify as pro-life or anti-abortion, that people will not publicly admit to holding those views. 

~ Erin Matson & Pamela Merrit, REPROAction

If you regret it enough and publicly enough, that is a sort of performative mea culpa that lets you back into the pro-life fold.

~ Katie Watson

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